Strategic Consulting

I also provide strategic advice to CEOs and senior executives based on decades of experience in corporate environments. I understand how power flows within organizations and help leaders optimize their personal power and executive presence for optimal effectiveness in such environments.

My strategic consulting work is informed by a deep understanding of adult human development, the neuroscience of leadership, and the science of consciousness. Inspired by the work of various constructive developmental theorists, including Abraham Maslow, Brian Hall and Benjamin Tonna, Ken Wilber, David Hawkins, and Don Beck and Christopher Cowen, I inspire my clients to lead from the heart because leaders who lead from the heart emanate harmonious work environments that inspire peak performance.

In the course of representing approximately 1,000 startups and two dozen public companies over a 37- year career as a corporate lawyer, I noticed a direct correlation between the courageousness and trustworthiness of a leader and the magnitude of success of her or his business. In short, leaders who lead from the heart have an evolutionary advantage, which I explored in Great from the Start: How Conscious Corporations Attract Success.

Personal and professional development is not for the faint of heart and poses its own unique challenges that can deposit a person in unfamiliar territory. Whether it's a leap in consciousness that renders a worldview obsolete, switching careers, a transition to elderhood, or a Kundalini awakening that changes everything, I also help my consulting clients navigate their personal transformations.

To schedule a free half-hour “good fit” conversation, please contact me at